Compasory Subjects
Optional Subjects
Teaching & Learning
There are no optional subjects at Form One and two but all students will take part in an intensive ‘Special Programme’ aimed at improving each student’s understanding and use of English through a variety of thinking and practical exercises. Special Programme teachers also take the Form One English classes.
The compulsory subjects for each Form level will be taught to all students at that level.
1. For Form Three classes, History is compulsory for all students with students opting for two from the following list: Bible Knowledge, Bookkeeping, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Studies, Food & Nutrition, History, Literature, Music, Physics, Textiles & Needlework and Woodwork. The students are expected to take the same options in Form Four.
2. For Form Four, students are expected to take the same options as in Form Three.
The timetable is for all classes allows for eight(8) periods of teaching per day with periods normally being of 40 minutes duration. Other teaching and learning opportunities are also include in the daily schedule which begins at 7.30 am and concludes at 2.00 pm each and every day. Additional activities include weekly tests in two subjects per week, academic clubs, cultural and interest clubs and a weekly school assembly.
Time, generally one hour, is set aside each Wednesday for Dini period with groups being formed for each of the major religious groups in the school. Where there is only a small number of students from any other religious group, those students must choose to attend the Dini period with one of the major groups.